5 Year Reflection

2018 Dream Team

2018 Dream Team

The dust is settling, another year, another tournament behind us. We did it again - the 5th Annual Kevin J. McKenna Memorial Golf Outing was crazy successful. It is incredible what we have been able to accomplish - hosting just five events, we have somehow managed to raise over $100,000.

$100,000. That feels silly just writing that. How does that happen?! That happens because of you, that’s how. You donate money. You donate raffle items. You sponsor. Simply put, you show up.

I touched on this a bit at the tournament, but it’s something I think about often. I hear people on TV and on social media bashing humankind - that there is so much struggle, so much heartache and turmoil, political and personal. That there is so much hate. So much negativity. These media voices are willing people to “do something”. To be kind. And I don’t disagree. But I am so very fortunate, because I witness so much kindness firsthand. I see so many people “doing something”. There are hundreds of you whom I have never even met, yet you open your hearts and your businesses and you give. And there are hundreds more who I’ve known most of my life, or all of my life, or somewhere along the way, and you do the same.

This certainly was a special one - the weather was gorgeous, we couldn’t have asked for a better day. We have something really cool in the works - be on the lookout for something soon! We had a golf ball cannon on the course - so much fun. Resident Photographer Kate Doherty was on site capturing the day (check out the photos here). We were treated to an amazing bagpipe performance by Pipe Sargeant Don Teague (www.twinlochs.org) to kick off the Reception. We had not one, but TWO recipients of Kevin’s scholarship present, as both Tom Connors and MacKenzie Dresner joined us for the afternoon. We have a team of Allstars who bust their asses off and ensured once again that the day went off without a hitch, including 2 stand-ins who flew in from Carolina (after a hurricane evacuation, I might add), rolled up their sleeves, and stepped in when we needed some extra feet on the ground. We gave away prizes, from Best Foursome to Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Door Prizes, you name it. The raffle items were outstanding - restaurants, hotel stays, Bruins jerseys, Yeti coolers, wine fridges, Pats tickets…we had just under 200 items donated - the walls were lined with bags and tickets were flying.

That’s how you raise $100,000.

Whatever your role, we thank you. Donations, Sponsors, raffle items, Event Day Team (times a million). Those of you who were able to golf and/or join us for the Reception - how awesome to see your faces. After all, without you - there is no tournament!

We do this all for Kevin. And I know many of you also do this for me, for my parents, my family, and we are forever grateful. Thank you for showing up.

5 years and I still genuinely think I can just pick up the phone and he will be there. Here we are just a few hours away from Game 4. Five years ago to the very day, we were also gearing up for Game 4. We were 3 days away from a Game 6 World Series victory at Fenway Park. And we were there. Somehow, some way, Kevin, Brian, and myself managed to squirrel our way in. The three of us watched together, from Grandstand 7 as the Sox won the #%&%@ World Series!!

My most favorite memory, I will carry it with me for the rest of my days.

Kevin was gone the following week. I can’t begin to describe what a blessing it is that we were able to live in that moment together. Nothing is the same without him, baseball certainly isn’t the same - and this Post Season run is very bittersweet without Kev screaming at the TV or tackling me in the stands. But I know he’s up there watching. Tell those boys to show up.

Sox in 6, ya heard it here first kids.

World Series Win - 10.30.13

World Series Win - 10.30.13